Industrial Equipment
Today’s manufacturing corporations are finding a large gamechanging opportunity: the chance to use sophisticated data gathering and anaIytics to increase productivity, generate environmentaI benefits and eventually improve customer experience. Those that embrace the opportunity will be able to turn their suppIy chains into highly connected vaIue networks for sharing data across the company ecosystem and coIIaboratively improving the fIow of goods around the worId.
Case Study
The Problem
Our client is a top leading multinational manufacturer and overhauling supplier for key supply chain equipment.
The client was facing recurring losses in the overhauling production line, due to thin cracks in equipment that were not identified at the beginning of the line, resulting in later stops and losses downstream the process.
AE was asked to leverage top edge digital technologies to automatically detect cracks at the beginning of the line.
Our Solutions
AE team designed and implemented a Computer Vision and Artificilal Intelligence Solution (Deep Learning with trained Neural Networks) that increased dramatically the identification of cracks at the beginning of the line, avoiding losses and increasing the troughput.