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The construction industry plays a key roIe in the current economy in both emerging and mature markets. It generate jobs, accounts for over 5% of gIobaI GDP, and provides industriaI and civiI infrastructures that enable other businesses to thrive. In the years to come, this industry will become even more important because of various global megatrends, such as migration into urban areas, climate change, and a new push for smart infrastructures and digital processes worldwide. Technologies like BIM, IoT, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality challenge a deep transformation in a traditional brick and mortar field.

Case Study

The Problem

  • A Construction company owns a large number of machines, spread out in many construction works across more than 10 countries. 

  • The  company pursues to have full online visibility of  he location and productivity of machines. With this objective, the department in charge of  machines will know the real location and usage of machines without administrative work and human intervention, and at the same time, Ptoject Managers will monitor where the machines are working and what level of productivity is achieved.

Our Solutions

AE implemented the Connected Site solution, bringing together IoT, Cloud, Mobile, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence platform to improve their site operations productivity

The solution enables remote 24/7 visibility of personnel and equipment operations, real-time notification of events and safety risks (e.g. machine failure risks, personnel fatigue, restricted area
violations…) and actionable insights to reduce Direct costs, increase Safety and Security, improve Project Management and enhance Asset management

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